Monday, January 14, 2008

A Look back at John's Life

3 years have gone by so fast, it truly seems like yesterday that we got our most precious gift. John has given us so many wonderful moments that we don't know what we did without him. Tony and I thought we would share some of our favorite memories with all of you. We created a slideshow of some of our favorite pictures below at the bottom of the page. We hope you enjoy them as much as we did taking them. Thank you to all of our friends and family for loving John as much as we do! Here's to 3 more wonderful years..............


Anonymous said...

This was so wonderful Tam it made me cry. I can't belive how fast time has flown by. God Bless him and thank you for sharng his last 3 years with us, we love to watch him grow. Love you guys

Anonymous said...

You do such a great job with keeping such wonderful pictures and sharing them. Cherish them and him. They grow up too fast. He is adorable. Luv ya, Pat

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful journey through John's three years. God Bess you and you family.
The Churchill's - Mark, Donna, Ryan and Alyssa

Anonymous said...

He is a handsome young man, it must run in the family!!! we love and miss you all

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This was so beautiful, you are so good with this stuff. John is a great little boy and we love watching him grow up. Keep smiling Johnny

Anonymous said...

Tam this was so great, 3 years has gone by very fast. We love watching him grow. Keep them coming

Anonymous said...

He is so handsome and getting so big, so when does he start baseball?

Anonymous said...

John is so cute and so big, I am sure he will be some sort of sports star, than again maybe music. I love watching him grow up keep up the great work. Love to you all

Anonymous said...

Tami I remember when you first found out you were pregnant with John, you have not stopped glowing since that day. Being a Mother was truly your calling in life. John is such a happy ,loving little boy with his Mom's looks. Thank you for sharing his life with us all, it has been such a pleasure to watch him grow, looking forward to the next 3 years and thereafter. love and kisses to him.

Colleen and Billy said...

Hope you had a great day!
Tami he is getting so big and gorgeous!!!