Monday, January 15, 2007

Happy 2nd Birthday Johnny!

Yesterday was my 2nd birthday. Cookie Monster came to play with me and help me blow out my candles he was so much fun to play with. I had the best day with all of my friends and family. Thank you to everyone for making my day the best day ever!


Anonymous said...

He is such a big boy now, i wish we were closer but you know uncle Terry has to be by the deer lol, we miss you all and can't wait to see you again. Kim had a great birthday too but no cookie monster lolol, just a bunch of 13 year old girls. Love and miss you all
Aunt Diane

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Johnny!! I am so glad that we share the same birthday, I can't wait to come to florida again to go swimming with you, maybe we can stay longer next time. I love you all and miss you too,

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to my favorite little man! We had a great day all our love. Mommy & Daddy