Saturday, September 09, 2006

Our Biggest Notre Dame Fan

I am all ready for my favorite team to win the National Championship this year. Dada taught me how to say GO IRISH! I wear my jersey every week for good luck.


Anonymous said...

Mommy will always be your biggest fan! I love you Bud

Anonymous said...

He looks like he is all set for Notre Dame football. Very cute

Anonymous said...

He is so adorable, aunt Diane misses you soooo much, Love you John

Anonymous said...

He is so adorable, aunt Diane misses you soooo much, Love you John

Anonymous said...

He is so adorable, aunt Diane misses you soooo much, Love you John

Anonymous said...

What a game last week very close. Keep rooting!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wow he got so big and so handsome. I love the ND jersey very cute. Miss you guys, when is ht enext baby coming?