Friday, May 29, 2009

Our # 1 Yankee Fan

Today was sports Day at John's school so all the kids were told to wear their favorite team shirts. John picked out his favorite's and as you can see by the picture the Yankees are his favorite. We may live in Florida but our hearts will always belong to NY....

Happy Birthday Daddy

John helped make his Daddy's birthday cake this year and of course it had to have his favorite characters on it SpongeBob & Patrick... It was really delicious!!! Great Job Johnny :)

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Shaving like his Dad

Our little man is not so little anymore. Every time he showers he has to shave just like Daddy does. Daddy got him his very own shaver and mirror.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Happy Mother's Day

We hope that everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day!
I ended my day with a delicious Ice Cream Cake from Carvel ummmm.....