Sunday, September 30, 2007

Our Junior Fireman

The FDNY has nothing on me. I look good in uniform! I'll put out the fire......

Friday, September 28, 2007

I want to be just like Daddy

Daddy taught me how to use the big computer upstairs, we play lots of fun Sesame Street games, I can even use the mouse all by myself. Now I have a laptop so Daddy and I can sit on the couch together and play. I want to be just like my Daddy, he's my hero.

Happy Birthday Uncle Lou

Aunt Lori & Uncle Lou came to visit us from NY. It was a great visit, I even got to blow out birthday candles with Uncle Lou "My Paisan". I can't wait to see them again soon.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Is it Halloween yet Mom????

Halloween can't come fast enough for John. He practices Trick or Treat everyday in hopes for some Lollipops!! He has even taught his new ghost friend Tony-Boo how to say it.