Sunday, December 31, 2006

John's first trip to the Circus

Mommy & Daddy took me to see the Ringling Bros Circus. It was allot of fun. I took a quick nap during intermission so I wouldn't miss anything and when I woke up I got to meet the ringmaster he was very nice and gave me a high 5. I also got tigers to bring home just like the real ones.....

Santa comes to John's home

Santa came Hooray! He brought me so many cool toys. I am a very lucky boy. I love Christmas......

Friday, December 01, 2006

Merry Christmas To All & To All a Good Night!

I just wanted to tell everyone to have a very Merry Christmas! I am very excited to see what Santa brings me. I asked him for Thomas the train and told him I have been a good boy. Oh boy 24 more days to go...........