Sunday, August 27, 2006

Aunt BryAnne comes to visit

Aunt BryAnne came to see me and she taught me how to draw and how to play soccer. It was fun we laughed allot.......

My Godmother Aunt Tara comes to visit

My Godmother Aunt Tata came to visit me and we had the best time. I taught her how to play with my toys and she taught me how to be silly.... I love her very much :)

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Me at my best

This is me doing my favorite things. Being super boy,sitting in my chair watching Elmo, riding my bike and driving Poppy's Cadillac.

My Brother Nicky & my cousins visit

My big brother Nicky came to visit! He's my favorite. He always makes me laugh, I also got to meet my cousins from IL Kimmie & Mark. Everyone had a great time.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Aunt Nicole comes to visit

Aunt Nicole came to visit and we all had the best time! Mommy & Daddy even got to go out for dinner for the first time without me since we moved here they had a good time.

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Me and my big Sister

My big sister Chrissy came to visit me from NY and we had the best time.