Monday, July 31, 2006

Me with Uncle Kev & Aunt Ally

My Uncle Kevin & Aunt Ally got engaged at Disney and I got to spend the day with them it was allot of fun.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Party in the Pot

Mommy and Daddy bought me so many cool toys but I like to play in their great big pot!

Playtime with Daddy

I taught Daddy how to play with my puppets and we had so much fun! I have the best Dad in the whole world!

Monday, July 17, 2006

John's New Toy Box

Daddy built me a new toy box because Mommy said my toys were everywhere. It came out so cool. Daddy did a great job!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

John at the Zoo

I went to the Zoo today and my Nana & Pop came too we had the best time. They even bought me a Monkey and a frog to take home .

John gets snow in July!

Today Mommy & Daddy took me to the Zoo where I got to play with real snow. It was so cool.........

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Me being silly

Today I was in a very silly mood...........

John with Nana & Papa

My Nana & Papa took me to Disney and we had the best time! I love them both so much. Can't wait for next time........