Saturday, June 17, 2006

Some of John's best first pics

Here are some pics of me the first months of my life! Mommy says it seems so long ago. I'm growing up...........

Monday, June 12, 2006

Friday, June 09, 2006

John & friends

I have very cool friends. I love to play with them. We have the best play dates. I hope they will be my friends forever.

John's 1st ride on the Harley

Dada took me on the Harley for the 1st time today. It was so cool!! Maybe someday he will let me ride it all the time ..... I love my Dada

Monday, June 05, 2006

Home to play with Mickey & Pooh

Were home and I had such a fun time with my friends that Mom & Dad brought them home for me to play with. Welcome to my room Pooh and Mickey........

Time for a Nap

Disney wiped me out time for a nap. Papa's chair is sooooo comfortable he won't mind just a few minutes!!!!

My Favorite Friends at Disney

I met all my favorite friends and they were all really nice.....

Swimming at Nana's

I can swim all by myself, Hooray!!!!!!

Nana will be so proud of me

John & Daddy riding the cars

Riding the Cars with Daddy! Speed is cool.........

Friday, June 02, 2006


O.K. Everybody....... My Mom and Dad took me to Disney this week, and I had the best time ever! I even got to go on the rides. We all had a great day together. I can't wait to go back. So check out my fun day and I hope you enjoy as much as I did........