Sunday, December 31, 2006

John's first trip to the Circus

Mommy & Daddy took me to see the Ringling Bros Circus. It was allot of fun. I took a quick nap during intermission so I wouldn't miss anything and when I woke up I got to meet the ringmaster he was very nice and gave me a high 5. I also got tigers to bring home just like the real ones.....

Santa comes to John's home

Santa came Hooray! He brought me so many cool toys. I am a very lucky boy. I love Christmas......

Friday, December 01, 2006

Merry Christmas To All & To All a Good Night!

I just wanted to tell everyone to have a very Merry Christmas! I am very excited to see what Santa brings me. I asked him for Thomas the train and told him I have been a good boy. Oh boy 24 more days to go...........

Thursday, November 23, 2006

I'm a Rock Star!

What do you think of my new Guitar. Nanny & Poppy think I should be a rock star! I even got to play for them on Thanksgiving. It was allot of fun.

Happy Thanksgiving

Happy Thanksgiving from me, Mommy & Daddy. We hope you all had a very blessed day.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Monday, November 20, 2006

John's Italian Half

Daddy taught me how to make my first pizza pie. It was so much fun and it tasted really good too. Daddy said it was the best he ever had.........

Thursday, November 02, 2006

I'm to tired to eat Mom

Mommy tried to give me my lunch but I just couldn't keep my eyes open anymore.

My New Bike

This is me on my new bike. Daddy let me wear his motorcycle helmet. I want to ride Harley's just like him.

More Halloween Memories

I had the best Halloween. Mommy & Daddy made it very special. I learned how to say Trick or Treat and how to eat a lollipop.......

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween! Can you guess who I am? I can't wait to eat all my candy from trick or treating......

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Happy Birthday Nanny

Happy Birthday Nanny I hope you had a good time. I am glad I got to help you blow out your candles. Love you....

Friday, October 06, 2006

Daddy's Little Helper

I love helping my Dad he teaches me new things all the time. Today I learned how to put together a chair, a desk and a soap dispenser.

John goes to his first show

My Mom & Dad took me to see Sesame Street Live. It was the best time I got to see Elmo and Big Bird. I also got some cool toys to take home so I could remember my fun day!!!